A Letter to Christian Parents

Christian Parents,

 A newly graduated 18-year-old child has just accomplished approximately 19,000 hours of government sponsored indoctrination under the guise of free education.

Feminism, Communism, Socialism, and other worldly movements made a tactical move in a spiritual war – they took over the colleges.  This allowed Feminists, Communists and Socialists to educate and certify public school teachers.  In 1970, 36% of female college graduates obtained a degree in education.

Taking over the colleges led to taking over the high schools, middle schools, and primary schools.  This means they took over the education curriculum, socialization, exploratory fields and many more aspects of development for our children ages 6 to 18 – and they still own the colleges today.   

We see the fruits of this movement.  American society has normalized radical practices and practice radicalized norms.  Christians must stand-up by removing their children from public schools at once. Christian Father, if you have to work two jobs so your wife may mother and educate your children – do it.  You are called to work until you return to the dust from which you came.  We can no longer passively stand by while we watch our brothers and sisters immerse their children in the world for 19,000 hours during their most critical periods of growth & development.  For a child to spend 30-40 hours a week stuck in social prisons, moving to the sound of a bell, eating poisonous food, discussing the world with peer groups and educators from the 70s, 80s and 90s is unfathomable. Combating that programming with an exclusive 2 hours of church a week (before kickoff), is not Christian.

This is a call to action. An opportunity for the American, feminized church to split from those who call themselves believers but are not.  A vapor in time when the parents of this current generation can stand in unapologetically Christian fashion – and take the reins of the church from the generation’s past. The church can encourage and develop means to an end of this indoctrination pipeline that is growing to capture our children of the future from cradle to grave.

What does this look like?

Prayer in public, evangelizing, homeschooling, Christian co-ops, youth groups with parents’ involvement (especially fathers), and church community involvement.  The last of these being an incredibly effective tool that has yet to be utilized in many counties across this country. When a school board meets to discuss gender affirmation and child masturbation books, every Christian church in that county should be present.  Why do we gather 100+ Christians for potlucks and casseroles and not this?  If we have children within our congregation at the will of the government schools and we do nothing – are we really doing “what Christ would do?”  Singing for 15 minutes coupled with a 45-minute motivational speech – once a week - is not the church.  When do the churches gather in the town square and inquire how much of their property taxes fund public, government sponsored schools?  Perhaps when their children are no longer the benefactors of these schools, that time will come.  For now, it’s time for the bride to draw her line in the sand and tell the world: “I’m over here – with Him.”

Behold, now is the favorable time.


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